Easy Yoga-Inspired Morning Stretch Routine to Help Start Your Day
Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels
Do you jump out of bed every morning refreshed and ready to greet the day? If you do, congratulations! But, this article probably isn’t for you. If, on the other hand, you’re like most of us and getting out of bed is a slightly slower process filled with low energy and a few aches and pains, then read on!
Below, I’m sharing a short video of a simple stretching routine you can do in the morning in under ten minutes. This yoga-inspired stretching routine is designed to gently wake you up and warm up your body. You’ll use slow movements to ease any aches and tension you acquired while you slept and be ready to move into your day with more ease.
The routine is divided into two sections
Stretches to do while you’re still in bed
Stretching and movements to do once you’re out of bed.
Each section will take about 3 minutes to complete. You can repeat them as many times as you want based on how you feel each morning. The video will give detailed instructions and modifications, but here’s a list of what to expect.
Stretches in Bed
Pencil Stretch
Alternating Knee to Chest
Both Knees to Chest
Alternating Side Bends
Alternating Spinal Twists
Seated Forward Fold
Stretches on the Floor
Downward Facing Dog
Forward Fold
Mountain Pose
Alternating Standing High Lunge
Plank (knees down optional)
Sphinx Pose
Child’s Pose
You’ll aim to perform each stretch for a total of 15-30 seconds, but that’s a guideline. If a particular stretch or pose feels especially good to you, feel free to spend more time there and enjoy it!
When you’re finished you should feel less achy, more awake, and ready to greet the day on a better footing (pun intended)!
The Video
Please share this with anyone you think would benefit from a gentle start to their day.
Check out my other article if you are also looking to incorporate short stretching routines into your workday.
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